Nürburgring - The Green Hell on Earth

The Green Hell - Nürburgring The track which has witnessed 100 years of history, started to establish its foundation from 1920 in the town of Nurberg, Germany. The north loop is approximately 22 km long, with around 154 turns and it has more than 1000 feet of elevation change from its lowest to highest point. Former F1 racing driver Jackie Stewart nicknamed this track as "The Green Hell". He used to say this about the Nürburgring: "When I left home for the German Grand Prix I always used to pause at the end of the driveway and take a long look back. I was never sure I'd come home again." The Nürburgring is known as the most dangerous track in the world. It was made to take and test the vehicle to its extreme condition. These days the track is lot safer but, back in the days it was something more than dangerous, it was made by craving the woods of the Eiffel mountains, every corners with extreme bends and slopes, trees blocking the view ahead ...